New Blow to Guaidó: Dominican Republic No Longer Recognizes Him, Nor Outgoing National Assembly

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
The Foreign Minister of the Dominican Republic, Roberto Álvarez, confirmed that the government he represents no longer recognizes Juan Guaidó as the alleged “interim president” since January 5, 2021, since his term as leader of the National Assembly ended.
During an interview with a Dominican media outlet, Álvarez said that recognizing the self-proclaimed Guaidó “would set a dire precedent for the future,” without mentioning that his mere recognition as the unconstitutional figure of “interim president” was also a terrible precedent, and a contravention of the Venezuelan legal system and international law.
RELATED CONTENT: EU Demotes Guaidó: No Longer Alleged ‘Interim President’
República Dominicana no reconoce a Juan Guaidó como jefe de Estado interino de Venezuela desde el pasado 5 de enero, cuando terminó su mandato de presidente de la Asamblea Nacional, dijo el canciller Roberto Álvarez en una entrevista publicada este miércoles 27 de enero.
— Diario Panorama (@diariopanorama) January 27, 2021
Despite the non-recognition of the far-right militant, Álvarez insisted that his nation does not recognize the incoming Venezuelan National Assembly for the 2021-2026 term, elected by the Venezuelan people in a process that provided the broadest electoral guarantees.
“In the case of Venezuela we believe that a negotiation with the regime is needed. Even if you do not like Maduro, he is the interlocutor. To negotiate you need two parties,” said Álvarez.
Featured image: Dominican Republic halts recognition of former deputy Guaidó in Venezuela. Photo courtesy of Diario Panorama.
Translation: OT/JRE/SL