This is How Freedom and Human Rights are Respected in the US: Blows, Gas, Bullets

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
The US, which always “advises” the world to respect freedom of expression and human rights, cracks down on protests due to George Floyd assassination.
Massive protests across the US With the slogan “I can’t breathe”, in reference to the last words of the Afro-descendant Floyd before dying asphyxiated, continue nationwide in the US, ignoring the curfews ordered on Saturday and Sunday.
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“It didn’t make any sense to me,” law enforcement analyst Charles Ramsey says about the arrest of a CNN team in Minneapolis who had clearly identified themselves as press. “…There’s no way something like that should occur.”
— CNN (@CNN) May 29, 2020
Police, who have brutally suppressed the protests, the worst since 1968, when civil rights activist Martin Luther King was murdered, have detained “at least 4,400 protesters,” the Associated Press news agency reported Monday .
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The attack and arrest of members of the media teams, as happened to the local network CNN as it broadcast a live television report, raises questions about the credibility of the White House, which claims to defend human rights and free press.
Translated by JRE/EF