Caracas, February 23, 2022 (—Today, Venezuelans commemorated the three-year anniversary of the victory of the Bolivarian Revolution in the events known as the “Battle of the Bridges,” when the civic-military union defeated US imperialism and the far-right political class of Latin America, who attempted to invade Venezuela using the pretext of delivering humanitarian aid.
President Maduro wrote on his Twitter account: “We commemorate three years since the victory in the Battle of the Bridges, a civil-military action that defeated the North American empire and its lackeys, who tried to take over our country to steal our peace. We will continue to defend international law and the sovereignty of our homeland.”
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On February 23, 2019, in complicity with the rulers in Washington and Bogotá, shock troops associated with former deputy Guaidó and the Venezuelan extreme right carried out destabilizing actions on bridges on the Colombia-Venezuela border, as part of an alleged humanitarian aid operation that was not authorized by Venezuelan authorities.
On February 22 the Venezuela Live Aid concert was held in the border city of Cúcuta, Colombia, organized by UK billionaire Richard Branson, with massive propaganda. More than 30 national and international artists appeared to support the delivery of “humanitarian aid.” The Venezuelan government blocked the border, knowing that the campaign represented a pretense for foreign military interference, as recently demonstrated when details of Argentina’s “Puma” military drill were unveiled.
Seré Breve: hoy es uno de esos días, en los que digo: ha valido la pena luchar, vamos al renacer desde las raíces, profundamente Chavista, profundamente radical, Batalla de los Puentes, Victoria de la Patria. Nosotros Venceremos!!
— Diosdado Cabello R (@dcabellor) February 23, 2022
Earlier today, PSUV Vice President and National Deputy Diosdado Cabello posted the following on his Twitter account, with the hashtag #23FVictoriaDeLaPatria: “I will be brief. Today is one of those days on which I say: it has been worth fighting, we are going to be reborn from the roots, deeply Chavista, deeply radical, Battle of the Bridges, victory of the homeland. Venceremos!”
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“February 23, along with February 4, 1992, when Hugo Chávez’s uprising attempted to end the neoliberal government of Carlos Andrés Pérez; and April 13, 2002, when again the civic-military union reversed the US-led coup d’état against Hugo Chávez, are dates already belonging to the Chavista epic, because they represent the true nature of the Bolivarian Revolution,” said a political analyst interviewed by Orinoco Tribune.
The documentary above, La Batalla de los Puentes (The Battle of the Bridges), by Venezuelan filmmaker Carlos Azpúrua, participated in the 42nd International Festival of New Latin American Cinema in Havana, Cuba in 2020. Azpúrua recorded the documentary in situ during the battle itself.
The Battle of the Bridges offers a visual account of the gigantic international operation whose objective was to enter Venezuela by force. The film premiered at the Sao Paulo Forum in 2019, and the film has been screened for over 350,000 viewers. The Battle of the Bridges has been translated into several languages including Vietnamese, English, French, and Russian.
Featured image: Iconic photo with two young Venezuelans holding a flag at one of the bridges that connects Colombia with Venezuela. File photo.
Special for Orinoco Tribune by Jesús Rodríguez Espinoza
Jesús Rodríguez-Espinoza
Jesús Rodríguez-Espinoza is an expert in international relations, Venezuelan politics, and communication. He served for several years as Consul General of Venezuela in Chicago (United States); before that, he was part of the foundational editorial team of He is the founder and editor of the Venezuelan anti-imperialist news outlet Orinoco Tribune.
- September 3, 2024