According to the vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, 120,000 retirees in Venezuela are set to receive a single payment of 10,000 bolívars (equivalent to 2.2 thousand dollars), which will be issued in three payments over a 12-month period ending on May 1, 2023.
During a press conference, Rodríguez explained that the beneficiaries of the payment must direct themselves to the Human Resources office of the public entities where they were employed, and request the compensatory payment, which will be issued through the Patria System.
Rodríguez noted that among President Maduro’s Sunday announcements, “on a personal note, there was one that represents social justice and nobility, the 10,000 Bs payment to retirees who, upon leaving the workplace, faced a precarious situation due to the economic blockade.”
In her opinion, these announcements will strengthen the Venezuelan working class.
Regarding Venezuela’s announcement that it will make funds available for financing productive projects, she commented that this program will be carried out “through the ministry of finance and will be administered via public banks.”
“This fund will have 100 million Bs for productive projects, to help the workers,” Rodríguez said. “This is good news for working class people.”
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Rodríguez called on public and private banks to provide digital services.
“Venezuela has one of the highest rates of banking use amongst its population, at almost 92%,” she said. “The goal is to reach 100%.”
She highlighted that “digital banking will help promote bank use among all the workers that aren’t already doing it.”
Similarly, she noted, this would permit remittances to be received from any country, as the system would be linked to the interbank Pago Móvil money transfer system, and to commercial entities across the country, as well as being compatible with cryptocurrencies.
The superintendence
Rodríguez reiterated that, in accordance with the request of the working people, President Maduro announced the creation of Venezuela’s Superintendence of the Productive Councils of Workers, which will advance the country’s economic growth.
Rodríguez explained that the organization will be made up of workers from across the country, responsible for evaluating networks of production, paying special attention to the economic agenda, to form the vanguard of the productive process.
Recreation and tourism
With the goal of guaranteeing the rest and recreation of Venezuelan workers, Venezuela approved the creation of a National System of Recreation and Tourism.
On this point, Rodríguez noted that there will be an umbrella organism integrating the ministries of the social process of work, of tourism, of youth and sport, of eco-socialism, of the interior, of justice and peace, mayors and governors.
She then added that tourism packages will be offered at affordable prices, through simple bank payments, and extended to over 100 tourism destinations in Venezuela.
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Collective conventions
On another note, Rodríguez reiterated that discussions were set to begin on all of the collective conventions in the country.
In this regard, she asked workers to “pay attention to this historic moment.”
“This announcement on the collective conventions is very important,” Rodríguez said. “We are already working very diligently, and we now understand that alone, without help, we were able to push forward, even with the blockade, we have been able to show economic growth.”
She then went on to thank the workers of the country for the support shown in recent years and for their resistance to the economic blockade imposed by the US.
The workers support President Maduro
The president of the Bolivarian Center of Workers of Venezuela, Wills Rangel, said that workers are confident that Maduro will follow through on his proposals, which were generated through discussions with the workers.
“We see income in a holistic way, not just as minimum wage, but as a collection of proposals,” Rangel stated.
According to Rangel these actions will ensure that workers can continue to be at the vanguard, “to do more with less, guaranteeing the well being of families, and letting people know that here there are workers who are committed to their motherland.”
“We aren’t going to take any steps backward, nor are we going to let a single worker be used to impose the old policies,” Rangel concluded.
Featured image: Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez speaks at a May 1 event. Photo: Últimas Noticias.
(Últimas Noticias) by Janna Corredor
Translation: Orinoco Tribune