“Rotten Plutocracy”: Venezuelan Chancellor Arreaza Rejects Pompeo’s Interventionist Statements ( CNE)

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza rejected the statements of the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, regarding the appointment of the new board of the National Electoral Council (CNE) by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ).
La plutocracia podrida de EEUU restringe el voto afro y latino, pero tiene el tupé de cuestionar el nuevo Consejo Nacional Electoral venezolano para tratar de evadir la voluntad de nuestro pueblo. Preferirían un sistema electoral que avale sus golpes de Estado, como en Bolivia. https://t.co/uPyb5TcEI4
— Jorge Arreaza M (@jaarreaza) June 15, 2020
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“The rotten plutocracy of the United States restricts the Afro and Latino vote, but has the [hypocrisy] to question the new Venezuelan National Electoral Council to try to evade the will of our people. They would prefer an electoral system that supports their coups, as in Bolivia,” wrote the head of Venezuelan diplomacy on his Twitter account.
This Monday, Pompeo affirmed -through a statement- that with the appointment of the new CNE directive, “Maduro took the first steps to manipulate upcoming elections in his favor.” The US regime top diplomat added: “the world should support the Venezuelan National Assambly (@AsambleaVE)…”