FANB makes a public announcement condemning new sanctions against Venezuela. Photo: VTV.
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FANB makes a public announcement condemning new sanctions against Venezuela. Photo: VTV.
The Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) issued an official statement condemning the new sanctions imposed on Venezuelan military officials by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Treasury Department, the European Union, and the United Kingdom.
The statement, released on Saturday, January 11, and read at a public conference by the chief of the Strategic Operational Command of the FANB, Major General Domingo Hernández Lárez, pointed out that “this desperate action, going against all norms of international law, has been executed just on the day when the citizen Nicolás Maduro Moros, Constitutional President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, re-elected for the period 2025-2031, is sworn in and legitimately takes office for his new term.”
“In the face of the overwhelming demonstration of democracy and exercise of sovereignty of the glorious people of Venezuela, its enemies are fiercely attacking it, trying, as always, to overshadow the relevance of this transcendental act of presidential investiture,” the statement continued. “This opprobrious measure [of imposing sanctions] aims at disqualifying the existing leadership of the military organization, which has remained united during more than two decades of the hybrid war against Venezuela. These crude maneuvers, far from intimidating the men and women in uniform, strengthen their convictions of dignity, honor and self-determination, enlivening in them the unwavering struggle for the freedom, sovereignty and independence of their homeland.”
“This new onslaught of shouting in the dark by the imperialist puppets is part of the neo-fascist coup plans that the Venezuelan extreme right has been executing to harm the peace and stability of the country, trying to submit us and bend us to foreign interests by means of extortive and irrational sanctions,” it added.
“In this situation, faithful to our popular, anti-colonialist, anti-oligarchic and anti-imperialist character, and in perfect civic-military-police union, we ratify the determination to obey the people’s will expressed on July 28, 2024, and reiterate our unwavering support for the Bolivarian Revolution,” the statement expressed. “Our most sincere solidarity goes out to all public servants, and especially to those who today are victims of imperialist arrogance. No sanction will violate the dignity of the sons and daughters of the United Liberation Army.”
Strategic Regions of Comprehensive Defense heads express support for President Maduro
After the reading of the statement by Major General Domingo Hernández Lárez, the commanders of the various Strategic Regions of Comprehensive Defense (REDI) expressed their commitment to maintaining the peace of the nation.
The commander of REDI-West, Major General Pedro Esteban González, stated, “We categorically condemn the nefarious sanctions against the 11 officials of the Venezuelan State, including our commander-in-chief, with the purpose of tarnishing the swearing-in ceremony of our president for the period 2025-2031. We tell the lackeys that their actions only end up consolidating the perfect civic-military-police fusion … following the legacy of the Liberator Simón Bolívar. You will always find us united with our people in defense of social guarantees.”
Similarly, the commander of REDI-Los Andes, Major General José Gregorio Martínez, stated, “The internal and external enemies are once again attacking fiercely, trying to overshadow the relevance of the swearing in of our president. We, the FANB, as true heirs of Bolívar and Hugo Chávez, have remained unscathed for more than two decades of diffuse war against Venezuela.”
The commander of REDI-Guayana, Major General Wilfredo Medrano, said, “It is shameful to see how at this stage of the 21st century there are unhinged people trying to seize power by force, without caring about the lives of millions of Venezuelans. But here is a Bolivarian National Armed Force, together with its people, deployed to safeguard the sovereignty of the homeland.”
The commander of REDI-Central, Major General Jesús Rafael Villamizar Gómez, emphasized, “The only thing that these actions achieve is that Venezuelans understand better how the enemies of the homeland are conducting the cognitive multidimensional war. All the units of the defense sector and security agencies support our president and recognize without any doubt our political and military leaders, and we will face shoulder-to-shoulder any fascist onslaught.”
The commander of REDI-Los Llanos, Major General Royman Antonio Hernández Briceño, stated, “In one voice, the voice of the people that we all are, we express absolute loyalty to all our patriots who may become victims of the empire. The sons and daughters of this glorious army will never succumb to any sanction.”
The commander of REDI-Capital, Major General Dilio Guillermo Rodríguez Díaz, stated that “in perfect union we will confront the neo-fascist conspiracies.” Similarly, the commander of REDI-Maritime and Insular, Admiral José Rafael Hernández condemned the sanctions and reaffirmed absolute loyalty to the leader of the Revolution.
María Corina Machado announces Edmundo González not returning to Venezuela
On Friday, January 10, far-right opposition leader María Corina Machado confirmed, through a video posted on social media, that former presidential candidate Edmundo González would not return to Venezuela for the time being, thus ruling out his swearing in as president, despite having promised it repeatedly in recent months to his ever-shrinking base of followers.
According to Machado, Edmundo González will return to the country “when the conditions are right,” because, according to her claims, the government “closed the Venezuelan airspace and has activated the entire air defense system.”
“It is not convenient for Edmundo to enter Venezuela today, I have asked him not to do so,” Machado said in the video.
She also made a new call to violence, inciting her followers to “forcefully exercise their right to protest.”
During the last few months, González and Machado assured their followers that on January 10, González would be in Venezuela to be sworn in as president. However, their narrative turned out to be another hoax.
(Últimas Noticias) with Orinoco Tribune content
Translation: Orinoco Tribune