By Mariam Ali – Oct 4, 2024
“The French had all these highly mechanized instruments of warfare. But [the Algerians] put some guerrilla action on them. And a white man can’t fight a guerrilla war. Guerrilla action takes heart, takes nerve, and he doesn’t have that.”
— Malcolm X, The Ballot or the Bullet, 1964
From the start of the genocide and even before, the Arab world has been divided in two. Those who seek justice and those who bow down to the western powers. These two differences aren’t minor in the slightest, and that can be seen in the western world’s reaction to each stance taken, be it resistance or subservience.
Countries like Lebanon have been and are currently suffering the consequences of not moving an inch when the western world demands us to run. For almost a full year, the south of Lebanon has stood firmly with the people of Gaza and Palestine at large, at the cost of our entire lives—our homes, our livelihoods, our material possessions, our wealth and some, their lives. With no hesitation, less than 24 hours after the honourable Al Aqsa flood on October 7, Hezbollah joined the fight to free our region on October 8th. Soon after, Yemen joined in, taking control of the Red Sea in defence of Gaza. And Iran and Iraq have also taken clear stances in support of the fight for liberation of our beautiful Sham region. Every one of these states has suffered losses for standing on the right side of history. Every single one of these states has had the “terrorist” label thrown at them by the western world.
Zionist lies lead to Arab suffering
For almost an entire year, we have all seen the cost of resisting such evil regimes like the United States and “Israel.” The world has boar witness to the hypocrisy and lies these demonic regimes are willing to spew to serve their own interests. The most shocking one came at the very beginning of the genocide with the “40 beheaded babies” lie, a lie that western pundits with half a brain cell ran with for the first few months of the genocide—to undoubtedly justify the massacre of an entire population of innocent Palestinians under brutal apartheid. The “40 beheaded babies” lie was swiftly and very easily proven to be just another one of the Zionist regimes attempts to create consent for their crimes against humanity and expansionist agenda.
But it will never be forgotten that it was clear to any truth-seeking person, that this was a dog whistle from the Zionists and their genocidal compatriots in the United States from the very beginning. Palestinians and all free-thinking people around the world had to beg and plead to stop murdering thousands off of a bold-faced lie. A lie pushed by even those highest in power, like presidential candidate, Kamala Harris. A woman, that if you take one look at her history in politics, lacks even the minutest amount of honesty or compassion. A woman who encompasses the rot of what it is to be a politician of the United States.
“The Arab world must be united” argument
It’s disappointing to see the rest of the Arab world continue to not just bow, but fall completely flat at the feet of this evil. For monetary gain, a false sense of safety or otherwise. I haven’t found a single line of reasoning that makes selling out what’s meant to be your own kin, for worldly reasons and gains, worth it.
What the Arab states have made peace with is the purest form of evil existing on our earth today. Their arrogance and selfishness doesn’t allow them to realise that they haven’t removed the threat, they’ve only pushed their own time of great suffering to a later date. And at the cost of every particle of honour, dignity and morality they claim to have. And at the irreplaceable cost of human beings—with their own lives, dreams and hopes—now completely wiped off the earth because of irredeemable greed and cowardice.
Ayatollah Khamenei Hails ‘Brilliant Work’ of Iran’s Armed Forces in Striking Israel
I’ve seen the argument of “it’s the government and not the people” and a part of me empathised for a while. A part of me used that same excuse for a long time to rationalise why some of us suffered and the rest seemingly ignored and kept living their lives as usual. I now see that I was doing the same thing every coward does—self soothing my own ego and pride, in an attempt to defend my identity as an “Arab” and defend the label at large.
Slowly I found myself more enraged and less empathetic to this argument. And now it sounds like complete bullshit. This argument is used to shut Palestinians and Lebanese up when we ask the rest of the Arabs where they are. It’s the most defeatist mindset Arabs have taken on to date and it screams of gutlessness and a severe lacking in faith. Be it faith in God or even in their own humanity.
In a perfect world, or even a half decent one, the Arabs in these states would rise up for the sake of, at the very least, their own free will to choose whether to fight for the truth or to be traitors without the excuse of “my government said….” I would rather a world where the enemies of God and of justice are clear to me, than a world where everyone cosplays as a humanitarian when all they are is a peddler of weak mindsets and all they do is create consent for immense human suffering.
Resistance, and a violent one, is the answer
It’s without question that groups like Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Palestine, Ansar Allah in Yemen and the Islamic resistances in Iraq and Iran are the true upholders of human rights. In the face of all the accusations of terrorism and “extreme violence,” a clear projection from the west, they haven’t wavered in their commitments.
The promise of “an eye for an eye” is how you fight the unparalleled evil of the western world. Peace talks have never worked, because in order for peace to be negotiated, you need an enemy who also seeks peace. The Zionist enemies and the terroristic United States government does not and has never, in all of their histories, shown even the slightest interest in peace with anyone but their own sadistic interests.
When met with such an evil, you take up arms, fight and you make peace with your own mortality. Anything less is a sign of a weak sense of humanity and a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome for a world that has already failed. Any sense of comfort is simply ignorance and selfish self-preservation.
One day its “‘those Arabs” in a faraway land and the next, the oppression is knocking on your door. And even with this argument, if the only thing that moves you to act humanely is just the mere thought of being treated like an Arab, your consciousness has failed you.
Any and all reactions and retaliations, no matter the fake tears the west cries, are more than justified. This is an anger that has been brewing for decades and the time of restraint is over. That was a luxury that the west and the Zionists bombed and massacred out of us. The west and all its apologists can cry wolf for now, and the whole world can pity them if they so wish. Victory goes to those who endure.
- November 9, 2024
- November 8, 2024