By Susana Khalil – Jun 21, 2024
In these hours of history, of mourning and darkness, of human moral and spiritual breakdown, I do not give up, I am indebted to humanity. Do not expect nice words from me. From the noblest part of my soul, I plead for the end of the Euro-Zionist colonialism of “Israel.”
I. Colonialism. 1907. Henry Campbell Bannerman Report.
In 1907 the British Prime Minister Henry Campbell Bannerman, requested that the British Empire create a high commission for the study of mechanisms to prolong, extend the destiny and course of European colonialism. How to circumvent the imperial, colonial historical cycle, that is to say, the cycle of: rise and fall and even how to make it become or transform it into a “perpetual” circle or mutate it. This high commission was made up of seven European countries of steely experts and versed, complex team of scientists. The report concluded by emphasizing the Arab world as a threat to the European colonial order and therefore, in order to prevent it, every infiltration of disintegration, division and separation was necessary. To inject political entities in the service of imperial interests, to combat any natural movement of unity from the intellectual, cultural, ethnic, historical, political, religious, economic, scientific character. To materialize this complex imperial operation, it had to be through the implantation of an “agent state”, with a foreign population tied to Europe and its interests. For one of the specialists, Side Potam, held that the Jewish population was the best option to undertake this colonial necessity.
II. Colonialism. 1915. Sykes-Picot
Britain and France impose, draw the borders in the Levant in order to divide between the two respective colonial forces, the territories of the native Arab peoples. Syria and Lebanon would become French colonies and Palestine, Jordan and Iraq would become British colonies.
III. Colonialism. Balfour Declaration. 1917.
The British Chancellor Arthur J. Balfour notifies the English banker, of Jewish religion, Lionel Walter Rothschilda through a communiqué, that his Majesty welcomed the establishment of a “Jewish National Home” in Palestine. British colonialism grants the territory of the native Palestinian Semitic people to Europe itself, specifically to the European Zionist movement.
IV. Colonialism. 1947. UN Resolution 181. Partition of Palestine
The Euro-Zionist movement manages to penetrate, to infiltrate the UN in which they approve, illegally and illegitimately in 1947 the Resolution 181 which consisted of the Partition of Palestine. The UN is not empowered to fragment the territory of any people in the world, on the contrary, the UN is to protect the sovereignty and territory of the peoples of the world. At that time the UN was made up of 57 countries of which 33 voted in favor of the Resolution. All within a fast corruption process of buying chancellors, governments and blackmailing and bribing in case they did not vote in favor of the resolution. They never consulted or notified the native Palestinian people. Furthermore, in that resolution they give 56 percent of the Palestinian territory to a foreign white minority. In other words, Zionism succeeded in having more than half of the national territory of the native Palestinian people torn away from them by the UN. The most cynical thing is that when this colonial regime was established, it took 78 percent of the territory and not the 56 percent that was granted to it. It was supposed to create a Jewish state (religion) and a Palestinian state. Today the colonial regime is a full member of the UN and the native people are not full members.
Resolution 181 must be abolished. To say this may seem an outburst, no, what is happening is that we have allowed ourselves to be dragged along, to be subjected to the Western agenda. We have no agenda of our own and have become elegant upstarts.
V. Colonialism. 1993. The Oslo Accords.
After the leafy popular uprising, the Intifada of 1987 was stopped when the Palestinian leadership signed with the colonial regime the humiliating Oslo Accords, which were later violated by theregime itself. Likewise, the Palestinian Authority was trapped in the treacherous service of colonialism. After Oslo, the Palestinian Cause had lost its essence and raison d’être. The Palestinian Cause was on its way to the grave.
VI. Resurrection. October 7, 2023.
The armed events led by the Palestinian Hamas group in October 2023 brought a rebirth, a resurrection of the worthy liberation struggle of the native Palestinian people against Eurocentric Israeli colonialism. Today the Palestinian people are united and clear. Yes and trapped in a burning struggle against a macabre and inhuman colonial enemy, a colonial enemy that has strengthened its barbarism, subjugating all of us in the world.
VII. To the memory of the children who were swallowed by the earth, the children dismembered and quartered in the current genocide.
End the existence of the Eurocentric colonial regime of “Israel”, otherwise we are co-participants and part of the strengthening and advancement of the most powerful fascism of our time.
Zionism is a world government, it is the engine of imperial atrophy, Zionism is imperialism itself, Zionism has governments within governments.
We must understand zionist sociology, whether religious or secular as it relates to international law. Jewish zionists hold and feel that International Law is something that they should not obey, it is the other that should obey it, it is made for the other. They believe that obeying International Law is rather an insult to their Jewish condition, it is the gentile to whom they must apply the law. Yes, they make use of it when it suits them. This conception is typical of all types of the racist and supremacist mindset.
Citing this aspect is important because we must wake up and not continue with the mockery of International Law, precisely therein lies the importance of the armed struggle, which by the way is a legal and legitimate right established in Resolution 3070, numeral 2.
The scenario of International Law should not be ruled out, but it should not be the only one, much less when it has served to strengthen colonial fascism. Zionist colonial fascism has turned the law into its roulette, they are literally roulette us.
To the memory of the dismembered children….
It is a poor way of thinking who today continues to speak of Two States, let us decolonize.
Let us understand that the existence of the Eurocentric colonial regime of “Israel” is the obligatory epicenter of a great conspiracy to all stability, not only in the Arab world but globally. To put an end to this colonialism is to break the central axis of the zionist world fascist movement.
In another order of ideas, let us understand that the European converts to the Jewish religion are not “the Jewish People”, that is a sophism, a complete falsification of history. We must wake up and disassociate ourselves from such a tired swindle today in our XXI century.
It is foolish to believe that European converts to the Jewish religion are the “Jewish People”. What an erratic argumentation, which is also one of the many instruments in favor of the extermination of the native Palestinian people.
We are strengthening and consolidating the most powerful fascism of our historical time if we believe that colonialism has the “right” to exist. We are all guilty. I fear for the world.
… In these hours of genocide….
Let us be clear, it is not a question of putting an end to the extreme right-wing government of the prime minister of colonialism, the Polish Melleikowinsky (Netanyahu), it is a question of abolishing the Eurocentric anachronism of “Israel”. It is thanks to the extreme right, to fascism that gave birth and strengthened this colonial regime.
Let’s be clear, let’s review history.
The historical role of the native peoples against their colonizer has been to fight it, to abolish it, to liberate themselves against this colonial oppressor.
To Morally manifest that in the liberation of the native Palestinian people against the Eurocentric Israeli colonial anachronism, is that the population that carries the Israeli colonial demonym would pass to carry the native Palestinian demonym. It is not a question of expelling anyone, but that land is Palestine, from the river to the sea.
Susana Khalil
Translation: Susana Khalil, proofread by Ahmad Shaaran
Susana Khalil
Susana Khalil is a politologist and researcher. Founder of the Canaán Association. Conductor and producer of the radio program "Palestine 11 thousand years of history".
- August 30, 2024