Chancellor Jorge Arreaza met with Professor Nick Estes and the team of The Red Nation, an American organization dedicated to promoting the liberation of the natives from capitalism and colonialism.
Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza spoke Tuesday with indigenous representatives from the United States to strengthen ties of brotherhood in the context of the First International Congress of Native Peoples.
Arreaza met with Professor Nick Estes and the team of The Red Nation, an American organization dedicated to promoting the liberation of the natives from capitalism and colonialism.
Inspired by the Indo-American socialism of Jose Carlos Mariategui (1894-1930), the representatives of both nations talked about the struggles and fraternity among native peoples, the Minister of Foreign Affairs explained, through a message on Twitter.
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From this Tuesday until next Thursday, the First International Meeting of Indigenous Peoples will take place in “Ciudad Guayana” (south of Venezuela), state of Bolivar, with the participation of indigenous leaders from some 18 countries, including Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Sri Lanka, Canada and the United States.
The purpose of the meeting is to consolidate a plan of action, for which organizational strategies will be drawn up to promote dialogue, peace and respect among nations.
The initiative is part of the strategic lines of the 25th Meeting of the Sao Paulo Forum, developed in this capital between 25 and 28 July, to establish a Bolivarian alliance of indigenous peoples for sovereignty, solidarity and decolonization.
Featured image: Nick Estes (left) and Jorge Arreaza (right) | Photo:
- September 17, 2024
- September 16, 2024
Tags: Jorge Arreaza Solidarity USA Venezuela