* It is Easy to Convert Sovereign Bolivars into Petros Through the Patria Platform

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
It’s not difficult to convert Bolivar Soberanos (Bs.S) to Petros within the Patria platform wallet.
To do so, the user must enter the system through www.patria.org.ve, enter username and password (or register, if not), and once in go to the “Wallet” tab, then click on the option “Savings Plan”, on the left of the screen.
By clicking the “View Savings” button you can see the payment made in Petros and its equivalence in Sovereign Bolivars (Bs S).
To make the change you enter the option called “Early Retention”, where a window that indicates the commission to pay for that early retention is opened and you press OK, which will ask for a confirmation code that will arrive via SMS to the cell phone registered in the page.
Once the code has been entered, the user will see confirmation that the early redemption was executed correctly, and in a few minutes it will appear in his wallet, where the money will appear as a deposit identified as “Early redemption savings in Petro”, and from there you will be able to send it to your bank.
[The Patria System is the web platform designed by the Maduro government to give direct subsidies to the Venezuelans that need it the most but currently is also being use for the payment of pensions]
Translated by JRE