Nicaragua and Canada Lead Airport Security on the Continent

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
According to the ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization, Nicaragua with Canada lead the operational safety in the airports of the continent, the North American country has a 95.1% compliance in occupational safety, followed by Nicaragua with a 94.55% compliance with global standards for air terminals.
Carlos Salazar, general director of the Nicaraguan Institute of Civil Aeronautics, explained that the leadership of the Central American country in occupational matters and airport security, has been maintained in the last 12 years, due to strict compliance with the security protocols established by international organizations.
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“Part of our Plan, incorporates all these areas, cybersecurity, the environmental part, and the quality part, so today in 2020 there we are at January 15 with that level of compliance, 94 if you look, you can see 55 there, slightly under Canada, ”said Salazar.
For this year the Nicaraguan Civil Aviation Authority will carry out 1,131 inspections, as well as the coordinated work with international organizations in favor of compliance with the regulations established by agreement between the airlines and the states.
“This was an audit conducted on the state of Nicaragua in 2008, and then it has been carried out since 2007, today it is online, and online they are constantly checking us how we are working, and that is the result of that effort, and that is what international operators look at, how the effort of the state of Nicaragua is to maintain these levels of compliance in terms of occupational safety,” said Salazar.
The announcement was made during the presentation of the work plan of the Nicaraguan Civil Aviation Institute for 2020, when important infrastructure projects and equipment acquisition will be carried out, as well as the strengthening of the technical capabilities of security personnel in the Central American country’s air terminals.
Translated by JRE/EF