President Maduro Praises the Defeat of the Attempted Invasion of Venezuela in February 2019

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
On the occasion of the first anniversary on February 23rd of the so-called “Battle of the Bridges”, when the Venezuelan people and the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (Fanb) prevented the entry of a military invasion into the country via the border bridges of Táchira state, hidden in an alleged humanitarian aid delivery operation, on Sunday Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro praised the courage of those who acted that day in defense of the country’s sovereignty, also recalling the great march that took place on the streets that day in Caracas. The operation, led by the US regime with the support of the Colombian government, of the opposition extremist groups directed by Juan Guaidó, and of the media and the American pop industry, failed resoundingly.
Recordamos la histórica marcha del pueblo venezolano que, con temple, unión Cívico–Militar y movilización permanente, derrotó las pretensiones imperiales de vulnerar nuestra soberanía. ¡Les Ratifico Mi Admiración! Siempre defenderemos la Patria que nos legaron los libertadores.
— Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) February 23, 2020
“We remember the historic march of the Venezuelan people who, with steadfastness, Civic-Military union, and in permanent mobilization, defeated the imperial attempt to violate our sovereignty. I ratify my admiration! We will always defend the homeland that the liberators bequeathed us,” wrote the head of state on his Twitter account.
Hace un año cuando el imperio y sus lacayos pretendieron atentar contra la Patria, las y los venezolanos unidos a la #FANB, defendimos con valentía y dignidad este suelo sagrado con la misma fuerza y heroicidad que la de nuestros libertadores. ¡Viva el valiente pueblo venezolano!
— Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) February 23, 2020
On February 23, 2019, the United States and the member countries of the Lima Group attempted to force the entry of alleged humanitarian aid across the border with Colombia. For its part, the Venezuelan government made the sovereign decision to close the borders.
Faced with this decision, on the Colombian side there were reports of violence by groups that tried to enter Venezuelan territory by force. This violence was contained by the people on the border and Venezuelan security agencies.
Translated by JRE/EF