Argentina: Government to Enforce An Anti-Femicides Plan

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Alongside instructional activities, the program would also extend financial aid to vulnerable women who economically depend on their aggressors.
Jul 10, 2020 – Argentina’s Minister of Women, Gender, and Diversity Elizabeth Gomez Alcorta, Friday, stated the government’s femicide reduction plan has multiple approaches to gender violence.
“We have to work on long-term prevention, which is the transformation of cultural patterns, and break with stereotypes,” Gomez said.
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Alongside instructional activities, the program would also extend financial aid to vulnerable women who economically depend on their aggressors.
The two-year plan is a result of social pro-abortion and anti femicide movements’ actions. It would join several ministries.
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Gomez also stated the goal is not only to assist cisgender heterosexual women but also non-traditional femininity options, such as transgender and lesbian, who face discrimination and violence.
Women, Gender, and Diversity are also concerned about assaults increasing during the pandemic, while girls and women remain isolated with their offenders.
According to the Supreme Court of Justice statistics, Argentina registers about 250 femicides per year.
Featured image: Argentina’s Minister of Women, Gender and Diversity Elizabeth Gomez Alcorta. July, 2020. | Photo: EFE