Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. File photo.
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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. File photo.
51% of Canadians have a negative opinion of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. This is the highest disapproval rating reported since 2015, according to a survey by Abacus Data, published on July 30.
The survey, conducted from July 22–27, in which 2,400 adults participated, showed that Trudeau´s approval ratings reached just 31%, the lowest ever.
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Trudeau´s disapproval rating rose to 51% (5% more in two weeks), and the highest disapproval ever since Trudeau was elected in 2015, and also the highest one since March 2019, when he was criticized for pressuring an attorney general to reach an agreement with a company accused of corruption.
33% of Canadians think that the country is on the right track, which is 8–10% below the figure a year ago.
Abacus Data site added that if elections were held right now, the Conservatives would win 35% of the parliamentary seats while the Liberals would get 30%, and the New Democratic Party (NDP) 19%.
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Compared to the last poll, Conservatives scaled up three points while Liberals went down by two, the survey added. Abacus Data CEO and founder David Colleto commented, “These results should be a warning sign to the Liberals that they have entered unchartered territory for their government.”
“For the first time in our tracking, 50% or more of people disapprove of the government’s job performance,” he added. “The Prime Minister’s negatives have also hit a new high. It is a toxic cocktail when people are unhappy with the direction of the country and they disapprove of the government’s performance. That’s where we are today. The result is a wider Conservative Party lead and growing desire for change.”
(Prensa Latina English) by Pavel López Lazo, with additional editing by Orinoco Tribune