This Wednesday, the Foreign Minister of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza described as mercenaries the alleged independent experts on Human Rights who used as a political weapon a flawed report in the Organization of American States (OAS), as he posted it in a message on his Twitter account.
Ayer los supuestos "expertos" en DDHH de la Misión infame, demostraron lo que hemos denunciado: usan su informe como arma política. Rindieron cuentas, nada más y nada menos que ante la #OEA, cuerpo que llama a invadir a nuestro país y al que NO pertenece #Venezuela (Hilo)
— Jorge Arreaza M (@jaarreaza) September 30, 2020
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According to Arreaza, these experts work for the OAS whose diplomatic corps called to invade the country and to which Venezuela no longer belongs since April 2019.
Francisco Cox, Marta Valinas and Paul Seils, the co-writers of the controversial “independent”report, participated in a webinar organized on Tuesday by the OAS as part of their preparation efforts to try a new round of legal maneuvers to activate the TIAR or the R2P principle against Venezuela with the sole objective of achieving their goal of facilitating a US military aggression against the Caribbean country.
La #OEA que invoca vetustos tratados militares e inviables doctrinas anti jurídicas para promover una intervención militar en Venezuela, a partir del discurso hipócrita de los DDHH. La #OEA del impresentable SICARIO General que exige el uso de la fuerza contra nuestro pais.
— Jorge Arreaza M (@jaarreaza) September 30, 2020
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The Foreign Minister points out that the OAS invokes old military treaties and unviable anti-legal doctrines to promote a military intervention in Venezuela. “Using the hypocritical discourse of human rights. The OAS of the lame SICARIO General (Almagro) that demands the use of force against our country,” wrote the Minister.
A este foro hostil y politizado, controlado por los que promueven una guerra en Venezuela e imponen sanciones criminales que violan DDHH, fueron a parar estos "expertos independientes", demostrando así su sesgo y verdaderas intenciones. Se confirma: son mercenari@s de los DDHH.
— Jorge Arreaza M (@jaarreaza) September 30, 2020
The top Venezuelan diplomat pointed out that at a hostile and politicized body, controlled by those who promote war in Venezuela and impose criminal sanctions that violate human rights, the alleged independent experts went to. “Thus demonstrating their bias and true intentions. It is confirmed: they are mercenaries of human rights,” Arreaza sentenced.
Venezuelan authorities have decided to named this “independent report,” the “Lima group” report because its mission was the result of a Lima Group and European maneuver within the UN Human Right Council following the directions of Donald Trump.
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Translation: OT/JRE
- December 4, 2024