Maduro Government Recognized as the Only Representative of Venezuela at the UN

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
The General Assembly of the United Nations Organization (UN) on Wednesday accepted the credentials of the Bolivarian Government chaired by Nicolás Maduro, validating him as the only representative of Venezuela in the Multilateral Organization.
As confirmed by the Venezuelan ambassador to the UN, Samuel Moncada, the most representative international organization in the world, consisting of 193 countries, promoted this action despite the constant attacks by the United States. and its allies for delegitimizing the constitutional government of President Maduro.
Hoy la Asamblea General de la ONU, el órgano más representativo de la comunidad internacional compuesto por 193 países, reconoció al Gobierno Bolivariano como el único representante de Venezuela.
¡Es una victoria en esta segunda liberación de nuestra Patria!
— Samuel Moncada (@SMoncada_VEN) December 18, 2019
“The credentials of Venezuela accepted today are a guarantee of peace, as the puppet government created by the US does not have the necessary credentials to invoke the use of force against our nation,” Moncada said, during the consideration of the “Report of the Credentials Verification Committee of the General Assembly”.
The Venezuelan diplomat stressed that, once again, the criminal project, to dominate the population through hunger and disease and plunder their natural resources, maintained by foreign powers was defeated.
“It is evident from reading Venezuelan government statements on this issue that the US and puppet Guaido representatives tried to provoke a change in the UN stand on not recognizing US supported “interim president” Guaido” a diplomatic expert said to OT.
Moncada also said that the US intention of turning Venezuela into a colonial protectorate like Puerto Rico, was rejected by the UN for being contrary to international law. While noting that the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (TIAR), being subordinate to the UN, must respect the decision of the international community and an alleged false consent of the Venezuelan state to invade Venezuela can not be used.
“The members of the TIAR must comply with what the UN determines. Venezuela does not belong to the TIAR and the US cannot make up a puppet government to pretend that Venezuela is calling for an invasion supported by the TIAR.”
The recognition of Maduro’s government is a triumph for peace and international law, as it is a precedent for other states to assert their sovereignty and independence from foreign actions that recognize political minorities as puppet governments to ignore the will of their peoples.
Source URL: Alba Ciudad with OT content
Translated by JRE/EF