CNE Publishes Protocol for Claiming Data Inconsistency in the Electoral Registry

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
The Venezuelan National Electoral Council (CNE) presented a protocol to file a claim for inconsistency of data, contained in the Electoral Registry, information that must be submitted directly by voters, from August 9 to 23, 2020.
Through a message published on the Twitter network, by the principal rector of CNE, Tania D’Amelio, points out that through the link voters will be able to access the form and the protocol to solve any inconsistency.
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1/2 Electores y Electoras a travez del link podrá acceder a la planilla y al instructivo de trámites para realizar el reclamo por inconsistencia en sus datos, contenidos en el Registro Electoral. Deben consignar desde el 9 hasta el 23 de Agosto 2020 #CNE
— Tania D´Amelio Cardiet (@taniadamelio) August 9, 2020
Likewise, she explained that once the procedure form is filled out, it must be printed, then “sign it and place your fingerprint on it, then scan the form with its respective supporting documents and send it to the email, ” she wrote in the aforementioned social network.
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This Saturday the president of the National Electoral Council (CNE), Indira Alfonzo, reported that according to the Electoral Registry (RE), 20,733,941 people will be able to exercise their right to vote in the parliamentarians on December 6 of this year.
In an exclusive interview with Venezolana de Televisión, the president of the electoral body indicated that the preliminary RE is already published on the CNE website.
From August 9 to 23, possible challenges may be made, in order to form the final RE, said Alfonzo.
Featured image: File photo.
Translation: OT/JRE/EF