Preliminary results from Sunday’s local elections in Ecuador indicate a victory for the Citizens’ Revolution (Revolución Ciudadana) movement in key regions of the country. Voters also elected members of the Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control (CPCCS) and participated in a constitutional referendum which is now being projected as a likely loss for President Guillermo Lasso.
According to the first results published on the website of the National Electoral Council of Ecuador (CNE), the Rafael Correa-led Citizens’ Revolution leads the electoral counts in seven provinces and is also ahead in the mayoral elections of Quito and Guayaquil, the two largest cities in Ecuador.
Citizens’ Revolution candidates are leading in the provinces of Pichincha, Guayas, Manabí and Azuay, as well as in Imbabura, Sucumbíos and Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas.
Former President Rafael Correa tweeted, “According to our quick count, the prefectures of Guayas, Pichincha and Manabí are assured. In the three most populated provinces of the country, the Citizens’ Revolution wins. Quito is almost ready. Thank you, Ecuador!”
Correista incumbent Paola Pabón has been re-elected as Prefect of the province of Pichincha. Pabel Muñoz, of the same party, won the mayoral race in Quito. The most impressive victory for the Citizens’ Revolution movement is in the city of Guayaquil, where Aquiles Alvarez is set to break the hegemony of the Social Christian Party.
In the coastal province of Manabí, a Correista stronghold, Leonardo Orlando has been re-elected. Johana Núñez of the same party won in Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas with 41.17% of the vote.
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In the Andean province of Imbabura, the Citizens’ Revolution candidate Richard Calderón is ahead with 33.27% of the vote.
Regarding the referendum, the preliminary data points to a victory of the NO vote on all eight questions, a defeat for President Guillermo Lasso. The questions were proposed by the current government and they consist of changes to how certain institutions are elected as well as issues around citizen security.
(Kawsachun News)
- September 13, 2024