El Limón Massacre: Arrest Warrants Issued Against 5 FAES Agents (+Tupamaro Case)

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
This Saturday, June 13, arrest warrants were issued against police officials Sandy Bracho, Cleynis Lemus, Juan Rondón, Miguel Arias and Anthony Castellar for their involvement in the crime of five citizens in the El Limón sector, located on the old Caracas – La Guaira highway.
This was reported by the attorney general Tarek William Saab, through his twitter account. He specified that prosecutors 49 Nacional and 81 Metropolitan Area of Caracas with jurisdiction in human rights requested before the Control Court 35 arrest warrants against these agents.
1) #AHORA Fiscales 49 Nacional y 81 AMC con competencia en #DDHH solictaron ante Tribunal 35 de Control: ordenes de aprehensión contra los funcionarios policiales Sandy Bracho, Cleynis Lemus, Juan Rondon, Miguel Arias y Anthony Castellar: por los delitos de homicidio calificado
— Tarek William Saab (@TarekWiliamSaab) June 13, 2020
The policemen are accused of the following crimes: improper use of organic weapons and simulation of a punishable act against citizens Wilmer Yánez, Arquímedes Martínez, Andri González, Roger Blanco and Pedro Salcedo, for events that occurred on the old Caracas – La Guaira highway.
He explained that the prosecutors of the Public Ministry verified “through the interviews of eyewitnesses and referentials, autopsy protocols and multiple field crime experts, the excess and disproportionate use of force in the police action that did not coincide with the reports provided by the Special Action Forces (FAES) ”.
3) … a través de las entrevistas de testigos presenciales y referenciales, protocolos de autopsias y múltiples expertcias de criminalística de campo: el exceso y uso desproporcionado de la fuerza en la acción policial q no coincidieron con las actas suministradas por el Faes
— Tarek William Saab (@TarekWiliamSaab) June 13, 2020
Faced with the facts, he emphasized that the MP “in strict adherence to the Constitution and the laws that guarantee due respect for Human Rights in our country, has proceeded to issue the respective arrest warrants for justice and peace.”
This Friday , June 12, Saab announced that the MP “was inspecting exhaustively the crime scene: carrying out technical inspections, ballistic trajectory, planimetry and interviews.
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While the Minister for Interior Relations, Néstor Reverol revealed on Friday that five people were killed in the event. “After an irregular event that arose in the El Limón sector, on the old Caracas-La Guaira highway, in a procedure by the FAES, I have instructed that a thorough investigation of the facts and the acting officials be opened.”
Tupamaro’s Jose Pinto Case
Venezuelan police forces are not exempt of rotten apples like in most countries and the FAES has been highly criticized in recent years for police brutality .
Tantos guarimberos, asesinos opositores andan por la calle como si nada, mientras un grupo de funcionarios del CICPC, persiguen, torturan y asesinan camaradas para buscar un enfrentamiento, no te cales expedientes amañados, siempre han actuado cobardemente.
— Jose Pinto (@JosePintoMRT) June 12, 2020
In recent days Jose Pinto, National Secretary of the Chavista Tupamaro political party, after denouncing rotten apples in another law enforcement agency, CICPC, was briefly detained. The CICPC is the same agency from which the terrorist Oscar Perez hijacked one helicopter and launched an arm raid against the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) in 2015.
Quiero agradecer las muestras de solidaridad del Gran Polo patriótico, dirigentes y militante de Tupamaro, así como a todos@ compañeras@ de los movimientos sociales y colectivos ante la arbitraria detención a que fui sometido, juro continuar en la lucha en defensa de la patria
— Jose Pinto (@JosePintoMRT) June 13, 2020
Chavista movements are calling for coordination meetings in Venezuela due to a possible escalation in the destabilization attempts coming from infiltrated law enforcement agencies trying to frame Colectivos and social activists. Venezuelan authorities have to put full attention to destabilizing elements within CICPC and FAES.
(La IguanaTV) with OT content
Translated and edited by JRE