By Comuna El Maizal – Jul 1, 2020
Just a few minutes before welcoming the month of July, which for us patriots has a very special meaning, with a 24 that saw the visionary Bolívar born and a 28 that gave birth to the story of our giant Chávez, a small group of officials from the Mayor of the Simón Planas municipality, by way of violence, entered the headquarters of our Maizanta Production Unit, located in the Torrellero Community, in Sarare (Lara), where the School of Political, Ideological and Technical Training of the Commune (Producing Awareness) and where dual-purpose livestock production is also promoted, in order to stop food production that is being carried out in that unit.
The group headed by the official Lenín Valera, president of the Municipal Institute for the Development of Peasant and Community Workers, an entity attached to the mayor’s office of this municipality, violated the facilities and entered by force, at gunpoint and using long weapons, in various official vehicles, with subjects from the town of Sanare, belonging to the group called Gayones, managing to neutralize security personnel and entrench themselves inside. Immediately, a group of comuneras and comuneros gathered at the scene, accompanied by a commission of GNB troops, and were greeted by a flurry of shots, where fortunately there were no injuries or deaths to regret.
After several minutes, the community members entered the Production Unit, to try to create a space for dialogue with the invaders of the mayor’s office, who in turn refused to leave the facilities.
We are obliged to publicly denounce these actions and demand punishment of those who try to injure and put at risk, not only food production, in these times of pandemic, which the Maizal Socialist Commune has been promoting in an effective and historical way. It has not only local, regional, national and international recognition, but also these actions seek to end the legacy of our Commander Chavez, the promoting of Communes as the only way to build Bolivarian Socialism.
We stand in solidarity with the Torrellero Community, in the face of these new aggressions, who currently direct, administer and fully control the livestock production in said Production Unit since they have demonstrated with facts the Chavista character in their actions.
We alert the national “communero” movement and the population in general to be vigilant in the face of these actions promoted by groups of reformists entrenched in government institutions, which have repeatedly been trying to slow down the drive and advance of the productive processes of the Communes in this and other territories of the country.
Those of us who are soldiers, daughters and sons of Chávez, will always be confronting in all areas and scenarios that arise, not only the intentions of Yankee imperialism to try to take away our desire to be free, independent and sovereign, but also to give battle to and remove from the ranks of the Revolution those who take advantage of their positions and quotas of power to attack the popular movements organized in Communes.
We call on the Communes and all the patriotic forces of our territory to show solidarity with this noble cause and create a presence at the facilities of the Maizanta Production Unit and demonstrate that the community movement of Simón Planas is more alive and active than ever, and that this group of fascists or any other will not be able to deviate us from our path in the construction of the new Communal State.
Tierra, mujeres y hombres libres!!!
Viva Zamora!!!
Viva Chávez!!!
Viva la Patria!!!
- September 19, 2024
- September 19, 2024