More Than 250 Agents in Caracas Supervise Social Distance Compliance

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
More than 250 agents supervise the social distancing measures in the context of biosafety during the 7 + 7 flexibilization week, which the Venezuelan government has ordered.
The Deputy Minister of Management and Risk of the Ministry of Internal Relations, Randy Rodríguez, from Antímano’s Bolívar square, stressed that prevention in the parishes of Caracas is being timely fulfilled, during TV news coverage on VTV.
Rodríguez affirmed that, in a joint project between the National Risk System, the Bolivarian National Police, the People’s Guard and Civil Protection, the methodology was verified, as well as disinfection spaces, the use of masks, and peripheral devices for social distancing and strict compliance with the schedule of the 14 authorized sectors.
But many analysts coincide in recognizing an irregular relaxation of social distancing measures since the start of the 7+7 reopening scheme. The mandatory use of face masks is not followed by many — thankfully a small percentage –, the use of antibacterial gel and social distancing in supermarkets and street vegetables vendors have been relaxed as well
Also National Director of Civil Protection, Rodriguez explained that this policy has a nation wide scope, giving priority to the states where the national president ordered the quarantine be tightened.
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“The cashiers at a vegetable street market (know as “gochos’) just three blocks from the headquarters of the National Guard in El Paraiso, disregarding the complaints of many customers, keep serving dozens of neighbors who aren’t properly wearing their face masks and without providing the antibacterial gel they provided at the beginning,” a Caracas resident told Orinoco Tribune.
A recent increase in community transmitted Covid-19 cases have forced authorities to resume the strict measures taken at the beginning of the pandemic in Venezuela due — mainly — to the irregular entering of Venezuelan migrants from Colombia and Brazil bypassing the border epidemiological checkpoints that force them to quarantine for 14 days.
Featured image: Randy Rodríguez supervised that the measures to prevent covid-19 are complied with.
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