Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro being received by Iranian authorities upon his arrival in Tehran, Friday June 10, 2022. Photo: Twitter/@NicolasMaduro.
Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro being received by Iranian authorities upon his arrival in Tehran, Friday June 10, 2022. Photo: Twitter/@NicolasMaduro.
The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, began a visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran this Friday, June 10, as part of his Eurasian tour. During his visit, he gave an exclusive interview to the Iranian news outlet HispanTV.
“The objective of this visit is to raise relations to a higher level in all strategic areas,” explained President Maduro. He stressed that the thousands of kilometers between Venezuela and Iran cannot separate the two countries united in brotherhood and conscience.
Iran and Venezuela are sister nations in struggle, he remarked.
¡Qué emoción llegar a tierras hermanas! Para nosotros la República Islámica de Irán, es un hogar más. Aquí venimos a reiterar nuestro compromiso, gratitud y seguir profundizando nuestra amistad, en pro del beneficio compartido. pic.twitter.com/DOwaKPS2Fx
— Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) June 10, 2022
Iran’s support for Venezuela
The Venezuelan president thanked Iran for its help in mitigating the unilateral coercive measures imposed by the US on Venezuela. Although Iran itself is also under brutal illegal US sanctions, it sent oil tankers to Venezuela over the last few years, disregarding threats of attack from Washington.
The people of Venezuela are grateful to the Islamic Republic of Iran, said President Maduro. He also announced that direct flights between the two countries will be opened very soon for tourism purposes.
Regarding the recently announced US exemptions for Venezuelan oil trade, the president said that he is awaiting the results of these first little steps; however, Venezuela does not depend on anything that the US may do.
He indicated that Venezuela has developed a “resistance war economy” to counteract sanctions. In this way, the country has entered a stage of recovery.
In another part of the interview, Maduro highlighted Iran’s self-sufficiency in producing food and other goods, despite being “super-blockaded.” He also mentioned that Iran’s investments in Venezuela have been a success, and that he has called for the opening of more Iranian businesses, such as supermarkets, in Venezuela.
The Venezuelan delegation, headed by the president of the country, will hold meetings with its Iranian counterparts to expand bilateral ties.
On the international scenario, specifically regarding the conflict in Ukraine, the Venezuelan president remarked that “we are experiencing a time of geopolitical transition that will define the destiny of the 21st century. There is a cycle of decline of hegemonic power, and Iran and Venezuela are at the forefront of this process.”
The comprehensive map of mutual cooperation is directed towards the achievement of a new world.
Maduro also spoke about the Palestinian cause. “The Palestinian Arab people is a sacred, historical people—that would be enough to admire Palestine,” he remarked. “The situation of Palestine hurts us all, the West has driven a wedge, every day they kill and attack Palestinians, Palestine is an open wound.”
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He expressed Venezuela’s support for the Palestinian people in their fight against the Israeli occupation, and called on the international community to support Palestinians in their fight for their homeland and reunification. He added that it is important to be informed about Palestine.
Summit of the Americas
Regarding the Summit of the Americas, Maduro said that it has been an event of exclusion versus non-exclusion, and highlighted the Argentine president’s defense in favor of the integration of the peoples of the region. He praised the response of the Latin American and Caribbean countries to the exclusion of Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua from the Summit of the Americas.
“The US excluded itself from the Summit of the Americas,” Maduro emphasized.
HispanTV and media
“It is important to show the truth in a professional way,” President Maduro said, praising the relevant role of the Iranian news network HispanTV as an alternative medium. “In the huge media war that imperialism is waging against alternative channels like HispanTV, the winner will undoubtedly be the independent media,” he commented.
“Hegemonic media cannot silence us,” added the Venezuelan president, commenting about freedom of expression. The great media war is going on, and HispanTV is emerging stronger than ever, said President Maduro.
He ended the interview with a message of hope, and expressed appreciation for the people of Iran.
Translation: Orinoco Tribune