Russian Solidarity: 10,000 Kits to Detect Covid-19 Arrive in Venezuela

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza, reported on Monday that the first shipment of technical humanitarian aid arrived with 10,000 test kits for Covid-19, from Russia. “We are receiving the first shipment of many in the future and we will have 10,000 more kits to diagnose whether the person has Covid-19 or not,” he said from the Simón Bolívar International Airport, where he received the shipment from the Russian ambassador, Sergey Melik-Bagdasarov.
He explained that with the arrival of these inputs, the greatness, moral stature and solidarity of Russia and China as part of the new multipolar world that arises is evident. “This is the first shipment of technical aid as part of cooperation in the health area, within the framework of the strategic relationship between Russia and Venezuela, and we are continuing to fight this disease,” said Melik-Bagdasarov.
Last Thursday, March 19, the People’s Republic of China also sent a shipment with 4,015 Covid-19 screening tests kits, as well as medicines and agents necessary for this health contingency.
The governments of China and Russia have expressed their support for Venezuela and other nations of the world, to fight against the spread of the coronavirus that already has caused more than 300,000 infections and more than 13,000 deaths worldwide.
Of these cases, China still maintains the highest number of infections with 81,496 cases, 72,819 of them have been overcome and 3,274 deaths are reported.
Furthermore, among the 10 countries most affected by the pandemic are, Italy with 63,927 infections, 6,077 deaths and 7,432 recovered; followed by the USA with more than 41 thousand infections; Spain with 33,089 cases and 2,207 deaths; Germany with 28,865 and 118 deaths, Iran and South Korea with 23,049 and 8,961 cases, respectively.
Translated by JRE/EF