Seventy-Six Venezuelans Return from Ecuador through Vuelta a la Patria Program

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
This Wednesday, 76 Venezuelans returned to their country from Ecuador, benefiting from the Plan Vuelta a la Patria promoted by President Maduro’s administration.
“At dawn on December 23, a flight from the Plan Vuelta a la Patria arrived from Guayaquil, Ecuador, with 76 Venezuelans who have decided to return voluntarily to reunite with their families and join the economic development of the country,” reported the Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Ministry on its Twitter account.
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#EnFotos 📸 | La madrugada de este #23Dic arribó un vuelo del #PlanVueltaALaPatria proveniente de Guayaquil 🇪🇨 con 76 venezolanos que han decidido retornar voluntariamente para reencontrarse con sus familias y sumarse al desarrollo económico del país.#SolidaridadYCooperación
— Cancillería Venezuela 🇻🇪 (@CancilleriaVE) December 23, 2020
The socialist government—despite severe illegal US sanctions—has promoted the Plan Vuelta a la Patria program since 2018 to facilitate the travel, at no charge, of fellow Venezuelans wishing to return home permanently. Many are fleeing xenophobia and acts of violence in countries such as Ecuador, Peru and Colombia, among others.
Featured image: Photo courtesy of MPPRE.
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Translation: OT/JRE/SL