Venezuelan National Assembly floor during the voting of the Communal Economic System Reform Law, Caracas, December 1, 2022. Photo: Twitter/@Asamblea_Ven.
Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Venezuelan National Assembly floor during the voting of the Communal Economic System Reform Law, Caracas, December 1, 2022. Photo: Twitter/@Asamblea_Ven.
On Thursday, December 1, the National Assembly (AN) of Venezuela approved the project to reform the Organic Law of the Communal Economic System on its first discussion.
Deputy Juan Carlos Sierra presented the reform project while it was broadcasted by ANTV, the official AN television channel.
“This reform is to strengthen the people’s power and the productive activity of the nation, which facilitates mechanisms to establish new productive modalities derived from daily struggles and collective effort,” Sierra explained.
The legislator stated that the reform proposes 14 articles, aimed at giving strength to each community that has worked to keep the productive economy of the country active.
Deputy Jesús Faría also noted that with the reform of this law, the rest of Venezuelan legislature is strengthened.
He added that the proposal of reform focuses on a model where the people own the means of production, wherein the state promotes all productive initiatives for the development of the country.
“We cannot exclude the people from the country’s economic agenda,” he said.
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Luis Eduardo Martínez, a deputy from Democratic Action (AD), took the floor and complained that they did not have the law reform proposal in advance. The opposition representative noted that the political forces that he represents would reject any initiative geared towards giving such power to the communes, including this reform that the government had announced would be presented in the coming days to strengthen the popular power. Martinez proposed that the reform of these laws be resolved via referendum instead.
The law in question, originally in force in Venezuela since December 2010, aims to develop and strengthen Popular Power, establishing the norms, principles and procedures for the creation, operation and development of the communal economic system, made up of socio-productive organizations under the communal social property regime, for production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services.
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Translation: Orinoco Tribune