Chancellor Arreaza on the US Coup and Criminal Strategy: “Today the Hawks are on Their Way Out”

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
In a set of reflections published on the social network Twitter on the occasion of the questioning of Elliot Abrams, special envoy of the Trump administration against Venezuela, by the US Senate, the Chancellor of the Republic, Jorge Arreaza, stressed that this official “and his combo” undertook in 2019 “an illegal coup strategy and a criminal blockade against Venezuela”, but that they are “already on their way out, in a terminal phase.”
In the same order of ideas, the head of Venezuelan diplomacy denounced the lieutenants appointed by President Donald Trump to overthrow the government of President Nicolás Maduro. for “intending to extend their agonizing and failed plans beyond January 5, 2021” which, in his opinion, corresponds to the actions of “a decadent paper empire.”
Desde 2019 Abrams y su combo desarrollaron una estrategia golpista ilegal y un bloqueo criminal contra Venezuela. Hoy los halcones están de salida, en fase terminal. Pretenden alargar sus agónicos y fracasados planes más allá del 05 de enero 2021. Un decadente imperio de papel.
— Jorge Arreaza M (@jaarreaza) August 5, 2020
On the other hand, regarding the hearing of the foreign affairs committee of the US Senate of Abrams and the questions that he was asked by Democratic Senator Chris Murphy for not having achieved his mission, Arreaza denounced the “spokesmen of the United States for continuing to openly recognize its crimes and unlawful attacks against the Venezuelan people.”
El fracaso del oscuro personaje de los halcones del gobierno Trump, Elliott Abrams, quedó en evidencia hoy en el Senado de EEUU. Su trayectoria criminal y su visión arrogante de guerra fría, ha hecho que se estrelle una y otra vez contra la dignidad y coraje de un pueblo libre.
— Jorge Arreaza M (@jaarreaza) August 5, 2020
For this reason, these confessions, together with those spilled by former security adviser John Bolton in his book, “constitute invaluable evidence” for the lawsuit that the Bolivarian government filed before the International Criminal Court.
Voceros de EEUU siguen reconociendo abiertamente sus crímenes y agresiones ilegales contra el pueblo venezolano. Junto con el libro de @AmbJohnBolton, estas confesiones constituyen invaluables elementos probatorios para la demanda que elevamos ante la Corte Penal Internacional.
— Jorge Arreaza M (@jaarreaza) August 5, 2020
“The failure of the dark character of the Trump government hawks, Elliott Abrams, was revealed today in the US Senate. His criminal record and his arrogant vision of cold war have caused him to crash again and again against the dignity and courage of a free people,” concluded the Venezuelan Chancellor.
Featured image: Elliott Abrams. File photo.
Translation: OT/JRE/EF