Maduro: School Year Will Start Remotely on September 16th

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
This Thursday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro presented the plan for school and academic activities 2019-2020 and reported that the school year will begin on September 16, 2020 in the remote mode with the program “Every Family a School” until further notice to take care of the health of children and teachers during Covid-19 pandemic.
“We are visualizing the new school year in times of a pandemic. We have decided to keep the Every Family A School program and we are happily ending the 2019-2020 school year,” stressed the national president. During a TV broadcast with the Minister of Education, Aristóbulo Istúriz and his team, they highlighted the numbers at the end of the school year.
He insisted that his decision to close schools and give courses remotely to prevent the spread of Covid-19 was a wise decision.
#DATO 📹 | Este año se están graduando 70.944 profesionales tanto educación pública, como en educación privada y en el Sistema Nacional de Ingreso ya se han inscrito un total de 346 mil 562 estudiantes, lo que representa un 92% de la meta de inclusión para el año 2020
— Prensa Presidencial (@PresidencialVE) July 9, 2020
“The modality of ‘Every Family A School’ has been totally successful. We have to perfect it, improve it at all levels of public education (…) We have achieved school and social education. We have helped each other, the street managers, cooks, community leaders, supporting each other. The family, school and community trilogy has done a great job,” said the Venezuelan president.
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He reported that this year 70,944 professionals are graduating both from public and private universities and a total of 346,562 students have already enrolled themselves in the National Enrollment System, which represents 92% of the inclusion goal for the year 2020.
“In Venezuela, the educational system is being built. It is one of the vital columns, and note the system of admission to the country’s universities is working in the midst of the pandemic,” stressed the head of state.
“It is important to advance to the maximum in educational access, in educational quality, in the transformation of that youth into great professionals and technicians of the future committed to the country,” urged the president.
Featured image: President Nicolas Maduro. Video caption.