Young members of the indigenous Yanomami tribe in the state of Roraima, Brazil. Photo: Reuters/Adriano Machado.
Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Young members of the indigenous Yanomami tribe in the state of Roraima, Brazil. Photo: Reuters/Adriano Machado.
On Thursday, January 26, human rights lawyer Tamara Sujú published a tweet launching a new disinformation campaign rife with photos and other embellishments depicting the malnutrition and alleged abandonment of indigenous groups in Venezuela.
Tamara Sujú, who served as “ambassador” to the Czech Republic on the payroll of Juan Guaidó and his “interim government” is now attempting to hold the legitimate government of Nicolás Maduro responsible for the crisis of the Yanomami ethnic group.
Sujú accused President Maduro on social media of exploiting indigenous territory for profit and claimed that he purposely destroyed the land to extract minerals and gold. According to Sujú, the Maduro government then neglected and abandoned the indigenous people living on those lands, who have been dying of malnutrition.
President Maduro to Draw a Government Plan for Indigenous Peoples
Media manipulation
One crucial detail is that while the situation is absolutely real, it is not occurring in Venezuela but in Brazil, caused by the gross mishandling of indigenous cultures and territories during the Bolsonaro era.
An article published in the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia on January 26 confirms this, including the very same photographs that Suju used in her accusations against President Maduro.
Humanitarian aid and acknowledgement of the situation
The current government of Brazil, led by Luiz Inacio “Lula” Da Silva, is addressing this grave and tragic situation to which the indigenous people of Brazil have been subjected.
Lula’s Robust Reassertion of Democracy, Social Progress and the Rule of Law in Brazil
Likewise, in Venezuela, and to the dismay of some, only revolutionary governments and policies have given proper consideration to our ancestral peoples. In an unprecedented motion, the revolutionary government established a ministry dedicated solely to the affairs of indigenous people, entrusting them with political power both inside and outside their communities never before seen in the history of the country. Under the Maduro government, all ethnic groups are respected as human beings, as they always have been, and are honored as Venezuelan compatriots.
As a consequence, the new misinformation campaign that this sector of the Venezuelan opposition insists on spreading, now with Tamara Sujú as their figurehead, will ultimately fail.
(RedRadioVE) by Victoria Torres
Translation: Orinoco Tribune