This Wednesday in the afternoon, several users reported through social networks power surges and total blackout in various states in Venezuela.
Venezuelan authorities have alerted in recent days about acts of sabotage promoted by the US and the Colombian governments with the help of their local operators, just a few weeks before parliamentary elections scheduled for December 6.
Users on Twitter reported power outages in these states: Anzoátegui, Aragua, Barinas, Carabobo, Lara, Miranda, Monagas, Nueva Esparta, Sucre, La Guaira, Zulia and the Capital District.
So far there are strong power surges in various areas all over Venezuela, as reported by users on social networks.
Muchas oscilaciones de voltaje en este momento en San Agustín del Norte, Caracas. Voltaje en 132 V. En Los Teques no hay luz, y en Cumaná tampoco. 2:22 PM #sinluz
— Luis Martino (@lmartino76) September 23, 2020
Other users reported that several sectors of the capital city (Caracas) are also reporting power surges and blackouts: Parroquia El Recreo, La Florida, Alta Florida, San Rafael de La Florida, La Campiña, Las Palmas, Plaza Venezuela, Bello Monte, Sabana Grande, La Paz, El Paraiso and Vista Alegre.
Bajón Nacional y posterior subida de voltaje momentánea en horas tempranas de la tarde. Algunos sectores de ciertos estados #SinLuz #23sept
— SchRoxie (@SchRoxie) September 23, 2020
For their part, the authorities of the National Electricity Corporation (Corpoelec) have made a telephone line available to the public so that users can report emergencies and power failures from their homes through social networks.
On the other hand, Corpoelec reported that operating personnel continue with repair work on the Bella Vista circuit, which carries out repairs on damaged medium voltage lines, affecting Vista Alegre and La Paz sectors.
“Metro de Caracas” also hit (Line 1)
A video shared on Twitter alerted [the public] about a train that was evacuated between the Bellas Artes and Colegio de Ingenieros stations, after the electrical incident that affected several areas and in some still remains.
Tras constantes fallas en eléctricas presentadas en horas de la tarde de este miércoles, los usuarios del Metro de Caracas desalojaron los vagones en Bellas Artes y Colegios de Ingenieros en la Línea 1 del sistema de transporte subterráneo.
— FM Center Es Noticia (@NoticiaFMCenter) September 23, 2020
Other users report that three stations would remain closed: Plaza Venezuela, Sabana Grande and Chacaíto. There is no official information about this so far.
Featured image: File photo.
(Ultimas Noticias) with OT content
Translation: OT/JRE/EF
- September 12, 2024