President Maduro Updates Covid-19 Reopening Scheme: 3 Levels

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Caracas, July 11, 2020.- The Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro, announced that since Monday, July 13, the quarantine and reopening scheme to stop the spread of the Covid-19 will work on three levels, which will be applied in different states and municipalities according to outbreak severity.
In statements broadcast by Venezolana de Televisión, the Venezuelan head of state indicated that this new mechanism will be deployed as follows:
LEVEL 1: Radical quarantine
LEVEL 2: Partial and supervised relaxation of quarantine
LEVEL 3: General flexibility of prioritized sector
At level 1, only the public services, food and medicine sectors may work.
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At this level will be: the entire state of Zulia; the border municipalities in Táchira, Apure and Bolívar that receive migrants from South America; and the cities of Cumaná (Sucre state) and El Vigía (Mérida state), where there have been important outbreaks in recent days.
Level 2 will allow the operation of 10 sectors of the economy that participated in the first flexibilization to open their doors: construction, hardware stores, chemical industry, transport, banking agencies, hairdressers, mechanical auto workshops, medical and dental offices, textile and footwear industries, and personalized plumbing and similar services.
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These states will have this level beginning Monday: Carabobo, Trujillo, the entire state of Mérida except El Vigia; the states of Táchira, Apure and Bolívar (except for their border municipalities); Sucre state (except Cumana); the Capital District and the states of Aragua, Miranda, Falcón, Anzoátegui and Yaracuy.
Level 3 will have 24 sectors active that were incorporated at this stage (those of level 2, also adding: car washes, opticians, electronic stores, stationeries and bookstores, ice cream parlors and take-away cafes, laundry, shopping centers — only authorized premises –, appliance factories, parcels, textiles and footwear, registrars and notaries, gyms, veterinary services and drive-in cinemas.
It will apply to these states: Amazonas, Barinas, Cojedes, Delta Amacuro, Guárico, Lara, Monagas, Nueva Esparta, Portuguesa and La Guaira.
Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez explained that this model was developed after an evaluation with all the governors, mayors and protectors of the 23 states of the country and the Capital District.
President Maduro also reiterated his call to the Venezuelan population to maintain preventive and biosafety measures to stop the chain of infections.
“The quarantine has quite advanced. How is coronavirus produced and how does it arrive here? By two main routes: the trocheros (people who return to the country using irregular trails, without having undergone the regulatory checks and quarantine) and transmission on the street, by riding a bus, or going to a party out there; there it spreads. The misuse of the face mask, or the non-use of it,” stressed the Venezuelan president.
Venezuela registered 375 positive cases for Covid-19 coronavirus on Saturday to bring the outbreak to 9,178. Out of those confirmed cases from Saturday, 320 were cases of community transmission, 51 imported cases and four by contact with international travelers.
Similarly, two new fatalities were detected to bring the death toll to 85 from the outbreak: one in Lara state and another in Anzoátegui.
Translated by JRE/EF