Fourth Iranian Tanker “Faxón” Docked at Guaraguao Refinery (Anzoategui State)

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
The fourth ship from the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Faxon, arrived at a safe port in the Refining Complex of Guaraguao, Anzoátegui state, escorted by sea and air by Bolivarian Navy and Aviation, the Strategic Operational Command of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) reported through a message on their Twitter account.
“The 4th Iranian tanker, the Faxon, is already in safe harbor, from the Refining Complex of Guaraguao, the docking protocol was carried out, welcoming the Iranian crew to the homeland of Bolívar and Chávez. Thank you #FANB!” Ceofanb wrote on its Twitter account.
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Venezuelan Aviation published a video in which five planes, including two Sukhoi Su-30mk2 and two F-16s from the Simón Bolívar Hunting Air Group No. 13, escort the Iranian tanker in Venezuelan jurisdictional waters.
Nuestros pilotos de caza de @G13leones y G-16, escoltaron el cuarto tanquero FAXON procedente de la República Islámica de Irán, que se encuentra en aguas jurisdiccionales venezolanas, cargado de combustible para la Patria.@NicolasMaduro @vladimirpadrino @CeballosIchaso
— GJ. Pedro Juliac (@GJPedroJuliac) May 29, 2020
For its part, the GNB Zone Command No. 52 of Anzoátegui state, tweeted the following message on its Twitter account: “The 4th Iranian tanker ‘Faxon’ arrived successfully and was escorted on the eastern shores to the Guaraguao Refining Complex loaded with gasoline, dignity, solidarity and brotherhood for the sovereign people.”
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Fourth Iranian tanker Faxon already docked at Guaraguao refinery, Anzoategui state.
— Orinoco Tribune (@OrinocoTribune) May 29, 2020
This would be the fourth of five ships that Iran sent to Venezuela with fuel and chemical components to activate Venezuelan refineries and produce gasoline.
In the last two weeks, the Persian tankers have arrived bringing 1.5 million barrels of gasoline to the country. The first, the Fortune, entered Venezuelan waters with fuel on Saturday; it docked at the El Palito refining complex in Puerto Cabello, Carabobo state. On the 25th the second tanker, the Forest, arrived, followed by “Petunia”, who was escorted by the Bolivarian National Navy.
The last tanker is the Clavel. It will be in Venezuelan waters next Monday, in order to conclude the first phase of the operation.
Translated by JRE/EF