Latin America and ALBA-TCP News Foreign Minister of Nicaragua on Official Visit in Venezuela to Strengthen Bilateral Ties December 3, 2023
Central America and the Caribbean (+Mexico) Latin America and ALBA-TCP Nicaragua Condemns Imperial Interference Against Peoples of the World at UN September 27, 2023
Central America and the Caribbean (+Mexico) Latin America and ALBA-TCP Iran Promises to Provide Fuel to Nicaragua May 11, 2022
Central America and the Caribbean (+Mexico) Latin America and ALBA-TCP China Reopens Embassy in Nicaragua, Invites Nicaragua to Belt & Road January 4, 2022
Central America and the Caribbean (+Mexico) Latin America and ALBA-TCP Nicaragua Officially Announces Its Irrevocable Withdrawal from OAS November 20, 2021
International News Turkey Denounces Sanctions Against Nicaragua and Strengthens Cooperation October 14, 2021
News Solidarity and Social Movements Webinar: A Conversation with Denis Moncada, Nicaraguan Foreign Affairs Minister (This Thursday 23rd at 6:30 pm EST) September 21, 2021
Latin America and ALBA-TCP News Nicaragua Votes Against Argentina for CELAC Presidency September 16, 2021
International News Venezuela and Nicaragua Strengthen Bilateral Relations Ahead of CELAC Summit January 9, 2020