US Coronavirus Catastrophe and Hotspots All Over but Pompeo Says Now is the Time to Release All “Political” Prisoners… in Venezuela

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
The Secretary of State of the United States, Mike Pompeo, insisted this Tuesday, April 14, that President Donald Trump “will do everything possible for Venezuela to regain its democracy. ”
The new threat and interference from Washington’s top diplomat, which does not stop even in the middle of the US coronavirus crisis. Trump will not rest until he “restores the constitutional order” while, ironically, his nation is the world epicenter of the coronavirus, with 607,778 infections and 29,592 deaths.
The Maduro regime continues to unjustly detain 334 political prisoners and others in #Venezuela. They include the #CITGO6, @JGuaido’s uncle and close advisers, members of the @AsambleaVE, health care workers, and journalists. This is unacceptable.
— Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) April 14, 2020
The secretary of state at a press conference a few days ago also said that they have helped Venezuela with “the humanitarian assistance they have provided” through opposition deputy Juan Guaidó, but curiously, Venezuelans have not received contributions from the opposition, either before or during the health emergency due to the pandemic.
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Venezuela is the most active Latin American country fighting Covid-19, with the highest number of per capita tests (7,913), with the second lowest death per million inhabitants (0.3), just behind Nicaragua, and second lowest cases per million inhabitants (7), also behind Nicaragua. This data was taken from the Worldometer service at 8:55 pm, Caracas time.
US Covid-19 catastrophe is even raising awareness about the terrible homeless crisis affecting millions in the United States. In recent days many cities in that country have initiated petitions requesting hotel rooms to shelter homeless people due to the fact that regular shelters already reached their maximum capacity and are breeding grounds for contagion.
Source URL: La IguanaTV with OT content
Translated and edited by JRE/EF